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  • Luke
    I guess this is kind of like my "family photo album"! These are all my kitties and how they came to live with me. ALL of my kitties have been fixed.....if they come to be at my house, they are fixed and it has really cut down on the stray kitties on my street and they are all healthy. If you wonder how I afforded to get 11 kitties fixed, email me! (There have been more that have been fixed--some were feral or went to another home.) I will give you some ideas or tips on getting help!

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March 14, 2008



Oh I am so thrilled and honered. Now, I am giving this back to you. You know your blog is one of my favorites and I relate to all the stuff you have going on so much. I have been so busy the last few days that I hadn't had time to do any fun stuff like blogging. Thank you for the award, it means a lot to me! De

The Cat's Pyjamas

Thanks, De....I love your blog too. I've been wondering where you've been!

Kay's K9s

Thanks so much for the award! I am a fan of your blog, so I have given it back to you as well. Thanks for visiting my blog and giving me this great award =)

- Kay


What great pictures Denise! You make me laugh about the cellphone. It amazes me how accustomed I have become to have all of the necessities, which I think I really need, but then I really don't. I dropped my cell into my son's play pool last summer. We live on the Maine coast in the summer and I am without a laptop as well. I have to sign in for a time at the public library with the rest of the summer residents to get time on the computer...To make a long story short, I was in a panic w/o my cellphone and no computer to top it off...My laptop is my right arm in the off summer months, so I went to the Verizon store and bought myself a Blackberry. I was so excited that I had a computer and a phone all in one. Once we moved back to MA for the winter, I never used the Blackberry and never had my cell on, which drove my husband bananas. It became more and more of a pain to me because I just wanted a simple phone and only use my phone when I need to contact someone. Well, I just got rid of it, and have a new simple cell like the one that fell into the pool. I hope I remember to leave it on. Right now it is in my coat pocket, dead! ;) Have a wonderful Easter...It is a blustery day here. My son and I just colored Easter eggs! Coloring eggs with a 2 year old is very interesting! I don't know what is colored more...the eggs, or ourselves!

The Cat's Pyjamas

I wanted a Blackberry--but I just can't bring myself to pay the bill for one! :) My niece is excited for me to have one--she asked if I feel "cooler" now! lol!

The Cat's Pyjamas

You're so sweet, De....

The Cat's Pyjamas

Thanks, Kay...I showed my 8 y.o. nephew your felted dogs and he was amazed. He wanted to order one like every one of his dogs!

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